UPDATE: CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Light Milky Jade Electric Blue; Rare, stunning, and eye-catching! #1 Price Realized: $5,060 Bids: 21 |
CD 107 GAYNER, Aqua; This is NOT a CD 106! It's the rare CD 107! #2 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 17 |
UPDATE: CD 162 HEMINGRAY, True Yellow; As Yellow as they get, and very desirable! #3 Price Realized: $3,850 Bids: 36 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Rich Green w/ Amber Blending; Smooth base! Rare! #4 Price Realized: $2,970 Bids: 22 |
CD 695 L'ELECTRO VERRE {France}, Forest Green w/ Hardware; "The Bustle" complete with the hard-to-find hardware! #5 Price Realized: $2,035 Bids: 21 |
CD 110.6 NATIONAL INSULATOR CO., Blue; "Large corkscrew!" CD collectors take note! #6 Price Realized: $1,073 Bids: 16 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Yellow Olive Green; Check that color; some mustard too! #7 Price Realized: $2,200 Bids: 27 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Mustard Yellow Green; Super rare, a must-have for the American collector! #8 Price Realized: $3,630 Bids: 28 |
CD 121 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Aqua w/ Dark Amber Swirls; Killer swirls on all sides! #9 Price Realized: $2,035 Bids: 21 |
CD 446 STAS 810 {Romania}, Aqua w/ Thick Amber Swirls; Amazing color on this massive insulator! #10 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 16 |
Opalescent Chunk of Glass; A massive piece, a great go-with for the Hemingray collector! #11 Price Realized: $2,750 Bids: 21 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Purple/Blue Two Tone; A must for the pony collector! #14 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 16 |
CD 102 STAR, Light Aqua; Wedge drip points! #15 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 7 |
CD 102 STAR, Snowy Limey Chartreuse; Catchy color! #12 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 6 |
CD 102 STAR, Yellow Olive Green; Extra pizzazz! #13 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 14 |
CD 102 {Unembossed} {Canada}, Light Purple; Early and uncommon MLOD variant! #16 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 19 |
CD 102.1 HEMINGRAY, Aqua w/ Awesome Amber; Killer amber, very uncommon in this style! #17 Price Realized: $853 Bids: 6 |
CD 103.4 {Unembossed} {Mexico}, Dark Teal Green; Tough CD! #152 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 16 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, "Powder Blue"; Early "script" embossing and different from your typical blues! #24 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 16 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Aqua w/ Amber Swirling; An attractive pony! #18 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 5 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Gray Blue; A distinctive color! #19 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 13 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Green; Early "prism style" with "loopy 2"! #22 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 13 |
UPDATE: CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Milky Aqua w/ Milk Band; Fantastic vertical stripe! #27 Price Realized: $28 Bids: 5 |
UPDATE: CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Milky Hemingray Blue; Neat vertical band and "prism" embossing! #25 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 3 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Purple/Sage Green Two Tone; Great contrasting colors! #20 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 25 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Purple; Classic and desirable color! #26 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 18 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Sage Green; Eye-catching! #21 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 9 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY, Yellowy Green w/ Amber Swirls; Unlisted embossing variant in a great color! #23 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 5 |
CD 106.2 P.S.S.A. {Mexico}, Light Sage Green; Flat top variant! #151 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 12 |
CD 112 NEW ENG.TEL.& TEL.CO., Light Aqua; Uncommon keg with wrap-around embossing! #28 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 9 |
CD 113 "Braille", Jadey Milky Royal Purple; Classic and desirable color! #30 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 23 |
CD 113.2 DUQUESNE, Blue; Tough CD with a spelling error! #29 Price Realized: $825 Bids: 19 |
CD 117 "Ampersand", Green; Tough color for this odd embossing! #31 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 8 |
CD 121 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., "Cornflower Blue"; Check the unusual color! #35 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 7 |
CD 121 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; An attractive toll! #36 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 12 |
CD 121 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Light Smoky Peach; Unlisted color! Note no periods! #34 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 20 |
CD 121 GOOD, Light Aqua w/ Amber Ribbon; Unusual zigzagging ribbon! #32 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 9 |
CD 121 HEMINGRAY, Aqua w/ Amber Sitting Man; Rare to find amber this nice in this style! #37 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 23 |
CD 121 HEMINGRAY, Olive Green "Tweener"; Fits in with your other colors! #38 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 8 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Name that Blue; You decide what to call this beautiful color! #33 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Steamy/Gunky Steel Gray; What a super Denver! #72 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 18 |
CD 123 E.C.& M.CO., Deep Blue Aqua; Classic western glass! #39 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 13 |
CD 124 HEMINGRAY, Blue Aqua w/ Bubble; Neat embossing variant! #40 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 9 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Chartreuse; A glower with an embossing error! #41 Price Realized: $2,585 Bids: 37 |
CD 126.1 BROOKFIELD, Light Aqua; Interesting variant and harder to come by! #42 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 10 |
CD 126.4 W.E.MFG.CO., Green; Well-formed and with bold embossing! #43 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 16 |
CD 127.4 {Unembossed}, Green Aqua w/ Milk Swirls; Unusual strong milk swirls! #73 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 19 |
CD 128 HEMINGRAY, Opalescent; Nice shade and in great condition! #44 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 16 |
CD 131 BROOKFIELD, Blue; Early Brookfield style! #49 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 6 |
CD 131.4 DEC. 19, 1871, Light Green; Early Hemingray style! #46 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 18 |
CD 133 CITY FIRE ALARM, Light Aqua; Fall River, MA special! #47 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 133 DEC. 19, 1871, Aqua w/ Milky Swirls; Old Hemingray classic with thick milky swirls! #74 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 6 |
UPDATE: CD 133.1 PAT APP FOR, Brooke's Blue w/ Milky Swirls; Crude and swirly! #48 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 4 |
CD 133.1 PAT APP FOR, Translucent Jade Blue Milk; Passes light and displays great! #75 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 12 |
CD 134 C.E.L.CO., Light Jade Aqua Milk; Cambridge Electric Light Company? #51 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 19 |
CD 134 T-H.E.CO. // DEC.19.1871, Light Lime Green; 1871 embossing means it's made by Hemingray! #53 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 W.F.G.CO., Junky Smoky Sage Green; Crude and eye-catching! #55 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 134 W.F.G.CO., Light Yellow; Desirable Denver color! #54 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 8 |
CD 134 {Oakman style}, Rich Apple Green; A stand-out color! #50 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 7 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Dark Sapphire Blue; Awesome color! #52 Price Realized: $963 Bids: 18 |
CD 138 BROOKFIELD, Green; "POSTAL TEL. CO." in a desirable color! #45 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 19 |
CD 140 OAKMAN MFG.CO., Light Aqua; Also embossed "JUMBO"! #133 Price Realized: $935 Bids: 16 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY.CO., Dark Purple; Pizzazzy! #57 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 13 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY.CO., Lavender w/ Purple Swirls; Unusual swirl placement! #56 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 14 |
CD 143 MONTREAL, Blue w/ Algae Blob; Great junk-in-glass! #59 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 10 |
CD 143 MONTREAL, Green; Super rare stunning color! #58 Price Realized: $2,860 Bids: 23 |
CD 143.5 T-H.E.CO., Light Aqua w/ Bubble; Small dome variant! #61 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 17 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Green; Classic American beehive! #70 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 6 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Light Yellow Olive Green/Apple Green Two Tone; Distinctive two tone with amber in the mix! #71 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 15 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Apple Green; Strong embossing, great condition! #67 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 6 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Purple; Classic purple CREB! #68 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 9 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., "Pea Soup Green"; Desirable color! #63 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 12 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Blue w/ Milk Swirls; Clarity and depth of color! #64 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Blue w/ Seed Bubbles; Rarely encountered and especially desirable! #77 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Depression Glass Green; Nice clear glass and a glower! #60 Price Realized: $660 Bids: 10 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Honey Amber; Filled with fizzy bubbles! #62 Price Realized: $1,430 Bids: 16 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Orange Honey Amber; Desirable color in top-notch condition! #65 Price Realized: $2,365 Bids: 20 |
CD 145 STAR, Green w/ Black Threads; 31 feet of winding black threads! #66 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 13 |
![View lot 69 CD 145 [Bar] // [Bar], Fizzy Aqua; Odd and uncommon and made by Hemingray!]() |
CD 145 [Bar] // [Bar], Fizzy Aqua; Odd and uncommon and made by Hemingray! #69 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 4 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Cornflower Blue; Classic and distinctive color! #78 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 14 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Milky Aqua; Unusual "stamped" and "script" mixed embossing! #76 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Light Green/Peach Two Tone; Mesmerizing color combination! #79 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 12 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Yellow Amber; Great addition for your amber Dominion lineup! #80 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 11 |
CD 155 HEMINGRAY, Clear/Yellow Two Tone; Rarely encountered color in great condition! #81 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 8 |
CD 155 KERR, Clear; Flat top variant! #82 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 161 CALIFORNIA, Burgundy; Leaner! #83 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 GOOD, Light Purple; A GOOD color! #104 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Aqua w/ Milk Swirls; A nice swirly variant! #147 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 6 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Bright Peacock Blue; Classic and vibrant Hemingray color! #86 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 20 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Electric Sky Blue; Smooth base! #87 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Honey Amber; A honey of a signal! #88 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Icy Aqua; A contrasting "tweener!" #84 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 5 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Light Purple; Striking and contrasting color! #85 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Red Orange Amber; Nice contrasting amber shade! #89 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Bright 7-up Green; Great color and condition! #101 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Bright Cobalt Blue; Uncommon embossing variant in a desirable color! #99 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Bright Orange Amber; Classic Hemingray color! #91 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 17 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Carnival; Bright and shiny! #100 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 19 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Dark Brown Amber; A bit of a two tone! #92 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Dark Olive Green; Beautiful, contrasting color that passes light well! #102 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Electric Blue w/ Milk Swirls; Unusual milk and snowflakes! #94 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Honey Mustard Amber; Name this color! #93 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Light Cobalt Blue w/ Milk Swirls; Contrasting lighter color! #95 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Red Orange Amber; A good "tweener" color! #90 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Rich Cobalt Blue; Deep and well-saturated color! #98 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Rich Teal Blue; The real teal! #97 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Sapphire Cobalt Blue; A distinctive shade! #96 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 STAR, Midnight Teal Blue; A distinctive hybrid color with thick dome glass! #105 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 W.G.M.CO., Peachy Straw; Contrasting "tweener" color! #103 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 12 |
CD 162.7 {Unembossed} {Mexico}, Dark Olive Green; Colorful Mexican piece! #155 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 20 |
CD 162.7 {Unembossed} {Mexico}, Purple; Crude and colorful! #153 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 17 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Teal Green w/ Amber Swirls; Unusual amber swirling! #107 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 16 |
CD 164 HEMINGRAY, Orange Amber; Classic Hemingray color! #108 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 14 |
CD 164 McLAUGHLIN, Dark Citrine; Stunning and virtually mint! #106 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 9 |
CD 168 HEMINGRAY, Opaque Blackglass; Dark as night! #112 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 11 |
CD 168 HEMINGRAY, White Milk; A glowing "night light" and in great condition! #111 Price Realized: $2,365 Bids: 37 |
CD 178 CALIFORNIA, "California Purple"; Classic spaceship! #109 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 18 |
CD 178 SANTA ANA, Deep Yellow Green; A contrasting spaceship! #110 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 10 |
CD 186.2 HEMINGRAY, Clear; "The Nut"! #117 Price Realized: $1,375 Bids: 26 |
CD 188 "Brown's Pony", Emerald Green w/ Amber Swirls; Pin auctioned separately! #114 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
Wooden Duplex Pin; CD 188 auctioned separately! #115 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 8 |
CD 200 STAR, Bright Green; Excellent color and condition! #118 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 20 |
CD 206 "Castle", Light Blue; Classic Hawaiian beauty! #116 Price Realized: $935 Bids: 14 |
CD 252 MCLAUGHLIN, Deep Steel Blue; Attractive cable style! #121 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 9 |
CD 252 No 2 CABLE, Dark Green; Brighten up your power collection! #119 Price Realized: $39 Bids: 6 |
CD 253 KNOWLES, Yellow Green; Attractive color with amber swirls! #122 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 14 |
CD 254 No 3 CABLE, Light Blue; Light and contrasting! #120 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 10 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Green w/ Amber Swirls; Great display and always popular! #126 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 12 |
CD 259 CABLE, Bright Green; Colorful power piece! #125 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 8 |
CD 260 CALIFORNIA, Purple/Peach Two Tone; Classic California helmet! #123 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 10 |
CD 260 CALIFORNIA, Sage Green; A "must-have" color! #124 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 20 |
CD 263 COLUMBIA, Deep Aqua; Less common wide-eared variant! #127 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 16 |
CD 263 HEMINGRAY, Aqua; Extra tall variant! #128 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 25 |
CD 267 N.E.G.M.CO., Yellow Green; Great color and condition! #132 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 18 |
CD 267 {Unembossed}, Blue; A piece of transportation history! #129 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 19 |
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M.CO., Blue Aqua; Big chunk of glass nicknamed "The Fishbowl"! #130 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 15 |
CD 269 JUMBO, Rich Deep Aqua; The "Eared Jumbo"! #134 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 13 |
CD 281 HEMINGRAY, Carnival; A rare insulator, from the dump! #113 Price Realized: $319 Bids: 15 |
CD 282 HEMINGRAY, Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; No 2 Provo with nice swirling! #136 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 6 |
CD 283 HEMINGRAY, Hemingray Blue Aqua; No 1 Provo in outstanding condition! #135 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 22 |
CD 285 "Edison", Bright Green; Great color! #131 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 14 |
CD 287.2 BROOKFIELD, Light Aqua; Tough piece! #137 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 23 |
CD 292.5 KNOWLES, Blue; Snow and fizz gives it translucence! #138 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 16 |
CD 297 LOCKE, Emerald Green; Colorful power piece! #139 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 16 |
CD 307 HEMINGRAY, Hemingray Blue; Elusive Hemingray piece! #141 Price Realized: $2,035 Bids: 25 |
CD 321 PRISM, Blue; "Bat ears!" #140 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
CD 402 TS // FLAMREX {Italy}, Light Straw; Unusual dry spot insulator! #160 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 14 |
CD 409 S.L.1 / STAS 810 {Romania}, Light Aqua; No, this is really the whole insulator! #158 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 5 |
CD 441 IL 1 TS N-2 {Poland}, Bright Yellow Green; Bright and beautiful and tiny! #161 Price Realized: $90 Bids: 10 |
CD 443 I TS-1 {Poland}, Mustard Amber; Eye-catching! #163 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 13 |
CD 443 IL.ITSN-1 {Poland} , Swirled Olive Amber; Attractive and unusual swirling! #162 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 15 |
CD 472 CENA 10 // IL.NS-80 {Poland}, Yellowy Olive Green; Mini spaceship! #159 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 13 |
CD 637 WC-10 TAN3 13 {Russia}, Yellow Green; Pleasing flared skirt! #157 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 11 |
CD 701.6 {Unembossed}, Jadey Aqua w/ Bubbles; Rare lighter coloration! #149 Price Realized: $4,840 Bids: 37 |
CD 728 {Unembossed}, Light Aqua; Great starter for a threadless collection! #142 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 13 |
CD 735 MULFORD & BIDDLE, Blue Aqua; Small "Pilgrim Hat!" #143 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 14 |
CD 737 {Unembossed}, Dark Teal Blue; Tough CD and with a chunk of iron wire in the groove! #146 Price Realized: $2,640 Bids: 19 |
CD 740 {Unembossed}, Olive Green Blackglass; Nice threadless! #145 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 17 |
UPDATE: CD 740.1 {Unembossed}, Bubbly Snowy Aqua; Stunning display! #148 Price Realized: $2,035 Bids: 22 |
CD 742 {Unembossed}, Light Aqua; Nice clarity! #144 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 13 |
CD 1050 {Unembossed ZICME} {Colombia}, Peacock Blue; Rich, saturated color! #156 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 21 |
CD 1138 {Unembossed}, Dark Teal Aqua; Tough color! #173 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
U-358 MEMCO, Brown w/ Hardware; Unusual and eye-catching bus bar insulator! #165 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 16 |
U-1131 T.& N.O.Ry. {Canada}, White; Less common ink-stamped variant! #166 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 8 |
U-1915 VERBANO {Italy}, White; Metal clamp on the top! #169 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 12 |
U-2017 {Unmarked} {England/Spain}, White w/ Iron Patina; Unusual no-tie insulator! #167 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 9 |
U-2078B {Unmarked} {Italy}, White; Baby noser! #168 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 7 |
San Francisco Wooden Trolley Insulator, Mottled Brown; Great grain pattern! #170 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 15 |
LXY-100 10" suspension {China}, Aqua; Unused and direct from China! #164 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 4 |
Glass Bushing, Cornflower Blue; Tiny and colorful! #171 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 23 |
HICKOCK'S PATENT 1859 Lightning Rod Insulator, Dark Teal; Classic LRI! #172 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
L.S. BRACH MFG CO, Clear w/ Cobalt Blue Streak; Wait, did you say streak?? #174 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 18 |
Brooks' Patent Ramshorn, (Glass insert) Light Aqua; Interesting non-pintype insulator! #150 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 9 |
"Caterpillar" Strain {Mexico}, Dark Sage Apple Green; Check out my eyes! #154 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 11 |
SI 102 VTS INDUSTRIAL CO., Dark Ruby Red; Neat "go-with!" #175 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 14 |
SI 154 Whitall Tatum "Salesman's Sample", Clear; Tiny little piece! #177 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 10 |
SI 269 H & H ELECTRIC CO Commemorative, Bright Cobalt Blue; Massive and colorful! #176 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 6 |
SI 269 H & H ELECTRIC CO Commemorative, Carnival Solid Pour; The ultimate paperweight! #178 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 6 |
Porcelain Sign {Poland}; "Do not touch! Electric device!" #179 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 7 |
Porcelain Sign {Poland}; "Do not touch! Electric device!" #180 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 5 |
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