CD 176 WHITALL TATUM "Mushroom", Straw; Fantastic condition and an extremely rare CD! #1 Price Realized: $5,060 Bids: 19 |
CD 158.1 CHESTER, Bright Blue; A unique style with a wavy wire groove; a very rare CD! #3 Price Realized: $3,960 Bids: 23 |
CD 127 {Unembossed W/1}, Deep Emerald Green; A stunning color for this early telegraph insulator! #10 Price Realized: $1,210 Bids: 19 |
CD 133.2 B.F.G.CO., Blue Aqua; A very difficult embossing to acquire! #9 Price Realized: $963 Bids: 11 |
CD 133 BROOKFIELD, Purple; A stand-out purple! #29 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 17 |
CD 109.5 HARLOE "Claw", Blue; An unusual self-tying design and a difficult CD to acquire! #2 Price Realized: $825 Bids: 9 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Mustardy Olive Green; A rare and stunning color! #24 Price Realized: $1,430 Bids: 34 |
CD 133 BROOKFIELD, Aqua w/ HUGE Bubbles; HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE bubbles! Yes, FOUR of them! #28 Price Realized: $1,100 Bids: 15 |
CD 735 MULFORD & BIDDLE // U.P.R.R., Deep Dark Blue; A deep, rich blue to complement the other blue UPRRs in your lineup! #13 Price Realized: $1,925 Bids: 19 |
CD 317.5 CHAMBERS, Icy Green; Phenomenal condition and a rare CD! (condition update) #11 Price Realized: $3,850 Bids: 39 |
CD 145.6 BOSTON BOTTLE WORKS, Bright Blue w/ Snotty Streaks; Great CD! Great color! Great character! #5 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 8 |
CD 204 LOCKE, Light Aqua; A tough CD made by Hemingray! #151 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 21 |
CD 22.5 {Unembossed}, Deep 7-up Green; A stunning, glowing color for this battery rest insulator! #14 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 8 |
CD 31 E.S.B.CO., Deep Emerald Green; The 4" diameter size of this piece really shows off the great color! #15 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 9 |
CD 40 {Unembossed}, Deep Blue Aqua; A VERY RARE battery rest and a beautiful heavy chunk of glass, 4 1/2" in diameter and 4 3/8" tall! #16 Price Realized: $1,018 Bids: 50 |
CD 100.5 PYREX, Clear; The smallest pintype insulator you can get! #144 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 7 |
CD 101 BROOKFIELD, Dark Olive Amber w/ Swirling; The always popular "tiger stripe" swirling! #17 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 13 |
CD 101.6 {Unembossed} {Argentina}, Icy Green; My little pony! #191 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 10 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Deep Teal Blue; The "real teal"! #74 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 17 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Tealy Green; A deep, rich color! #72 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 18 |
CD 102 STAR, Yellow Olive Green; What a great color! #56 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 15 |
CD 102 [Vertical bar] {Canada}, Light Cornflower Blue w/ Purple Swirling; Great purple in the dome! #73 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 16 |
CD 102 {Unembossed}, Light Green Aqua; An odd UNLISTED variant with great dome glass! #146 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 17 |
CD 104 STANDARD GLASS INSULATOR CO., Light Aqua; An old standard! #147 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 7 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY / No 9, Purple/Sage Two Tone; An unusual color normally seen in the CD 125! #93 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 106.1 DUQUESNE, Cornflower Blue; Just about perfect! #145 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 14 |
CD 110.5 NEW ENG.TEL.& TEL.CO., Light Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; The less common "straight line" embossing and an amber band! #43 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 12 |
CD 110.6 NATIONAL INSULATOR CO., Light Blue; The classic "Large Corkscrew"! #44 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 14 |
CD 113 HEMINGRAY / No 12, Ice Aqua; See the early prismic "loopy 2"! #94 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 5 |
CD 121 BROOKFIELD, Olivey Ambery Swirls; Lots of amber swirls throughout! #18 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 12 |
CD 121 CANADA, Deep Purple; Nice rich purple color! #75 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 12 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Dark Cornflower Blue; Classic and crude! #148 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 12 |
CD 123 E.C.& M.CO. "B" Mold, Aqua; Classic old western glass! #63 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 14 |
CD 123 E.C.& M.CO. "C" Mold, Aqua; Interesting beveled dome mold style! #62 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 124 HEMINGRAY / No 4, Aqua w/ Milk Swirls; Harder to find than the amber swirled variants! #99 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 124.2 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Bright Light Green; Tough early Hemingray CD! #88 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 15 |
CD 125 HEMINGRAY / WU No 5, Purple/Sage Two Tone; Nice swirling and color separation! #95 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 8 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, "Chartreuse"; A stand-out color for sure! #25 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Bright Lime Green; Amber and milk add some character! #23 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 6 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Glowing Deep Lime Green; A stunning, glowing color for a classic Brookfield! #27 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 7 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Snowy Bright Yellowy Green; Amber highlights and filled with snow! #26 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 17 |
CD 126.3 BROOKFIELD, Light Green w/ Nice Amber Swirls; Laced with amazing amber swirling from the base to the dome! #19 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 11 |
CD 126.4 W.E.MFG.CO., "Cornflower Blue"; Catch the neat bubble! #150 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 20 |
CD 127 BROOKFIELD, Limey Light Green; A nice old "W.U.T." style! #20 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 10 |
CD 127 W/1, Blue; A great piece of early telegraph history! #8 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 6 |
CD 128 HEMINGRAY // E-14B, White Milk; Got milk? Shiny! #100 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 12 |
CD 131.4 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Light Green; Early pre-1871 Hemingray! #89 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 9 |
CD 132 PAT APP FOR, Deep Brooke’s Blue; Crude; a tough piece to find! #55 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 18 |
CD 132.2 (Dome) 2, Blue; Nice early Beaver Falls product! #7 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 9 |
CD 133 CITY FIRE ALARM, Light Blue Aqua; FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! A popular New England style used only in Fall River, MA! #51 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 13 |
CD 133 {Unembossed}, Light Limey Green; Check out the large bubble in the front! #54 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 8 |
CD 133.1 BROOKE'S, Jadey Brooke's Blue; Crude and gunky! #53 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 13 |
CD 133.1 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Purple Tint; The "new" number 3 style! #90 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 12 |
CD 133.4 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Green w/ Veils of Microbubbles; Unusual bubbles that show well either on black or back lit! #101 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 15 |
CD 133.4 {Unembossed}, Purple; Classic bullet! #149 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 20 |
CD 133.5 TEL.FED.MEX., Deep Teal Aqua; A must for CD collectors! #179 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 19 |
CD 134 BROOKFIELD, Yellowy Green; A great color for this classic Brookfield! #33 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 8 |
CD 134 CALIFORNIA, Blue Aqua; A tough embossing for CD 134; don't be fooled, this is not a CD 161! #64 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 21 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Deep Apple Green; A great color and sure to please! #50 Price Realized: $935 Bids: 27 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Green; A distinctive color! #49 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 19 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Light Blue Aqua; The classic "Diamond P" with a neat "Diamond P" impression on the dome! #48 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 19 |
CD 134 {Pennycuick style}, Forest Green; Great color for this old Pennycuick! #46 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 12 |
CD 134 FALL RIVER POLICE SIGNAL, Light Green Aqua; Another unique Fall River, MA piece in great condition! #52 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 17 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Yellow Straw; A difficult color in this style! #91 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 19 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Purple Tint; Almost a two tone! #92 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 {Oakman style}, Deep, Glowing Emerald Green; A stunning color rarely encountered in this style! #45 Price Realized: $1,595 Bids: 22 |
CD 138.2 {Pennycuick style}, Deep Fizzy Tealy Aqua; The rare unembossed style and a great color as well! #47 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 11 |
CD 140 OAKMAN, Glowing "Turquoise" Blue; Big and beautiful! #165 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 9 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC, Deep Rich Purple; A classic color and a popular style! #77 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 18 |
CD 143 G.N.W.TEL.CO., Sagey Green; Tough color! #76 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 7 |
CD 143 {Unembossed}, Deep Purple; Nice rich color! #86 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 10 |
CD 143.5 T-H.E.CO. {Large dome}, Light Blue; Compare this with the "Small Dome" variant! #36 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 143.5 T-H.E.CO. {Small dome}, Light Green; Compare this with the "Large Dome" variant! #37 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 13 |
CD 144 "Foree Bain", Blue Aqua; Great ridges! #118 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 145 AMERICAN, Deep Yellow Green; A deep, rich and stunning color! #40 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 AMERICAN, Apple Green; Granny Smith apples have a crisp bite and tart apple flavor! #41 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 15 |
CD 145 AMERICAN, Light Yellow Olive Green; Your classic American beehive! #42 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 B, Tiger-Striped Olive Amber; Take a look at those great "tiger stripes" and you'll see why they are so popular! #32 Price Realized: $633 Bids: 20 |
CD 145 B.G.M.CO., Burgundy Pink; Tough color! #116 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 16 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Chartreuse/Lime Two Tone; SN 4c, Nice, strong two tone effect! #30 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 9 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Purple; Another excellent purple Brookfield in excellent condition! #31 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 18 |
CD 145 G.N.W.TEL.CO., Royal Purple; PURPLE! PURPLE! #78 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 15 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Yellow Amber; A beautiful amber beehive! #109 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 30 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Orange Blossom Honey Amber; The color says it all! #110 Price Realized: $853 Bids: 17 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Glowing Deep Apple Green; A brilliant green color! #111 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 16 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Light Purple; Clean and shiny! #112 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 11 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. {Narrow skirt}, Deep Purple; A colorful CD variant! #113 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 9 |
CD 145 H.G.CO., Bright Turquoise Blue; A standout color! #114 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 15 |
CD 145 POSTAL, Emerald Green w/ Amber Swirls; AWESOME color and condition! #115 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 145 N.E.G.M., Brilliant Sapphire Blue; The "reference" Sapphire Blue! #117 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 12 |
CD 145 STAR, Glowing Deep Yellow Green; The "pointy dome" style is different from your standard "beehive"! #59 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 5 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Icy Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; The amber adds character! #141 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 11 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Amber Swirled Green; Awesome swirls! #142 Price Realized: $1,430 Bids: 22 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Glowing Dark Peacock Blue; Another "must have" H.G.CO.! #143 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 18 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Milky Aqua w/ Pepper Specks; Gunky and crude with great impurities! #102 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 18 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Deep Light Cornflower Blue; One of the toughest colors for this style! #79 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 11 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Yellow/Amber Two Tone; Dark with good color separation! #81 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 13 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Clear/Yellow Two Tone; Wonderful condition! #82 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 21 |
CD 154 DOMINION, Dark Red Amber; The deep end color for your amber Dominions! #83 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 22 |
CD 154 HEMINGRAY-42, Carnival; Tough color! Mint! #103 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 35 |
CD 154 MIN COM CUBA, Dark Peachy Straw; Tough piece, don't overlook it! #182 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 12 |
CD 155 E.I.V. // U15 {France}, Green Aqua; Deep rich color! #189 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 7 |
CD 158.2 BOSTON BOTTLE WORKS, Bright Blue; The classic "Boston Barrel"! #4 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 158.2 BOSTON BOTTLE WORKS, Deep Rich Blue; Check out the "zigzag" worm! #6 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 9 |
CD 160 CALIFORNIA, Burgundy; Nice little "baby signal"! #65 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 21 |
CD 160 H.G.CO., Off Clear; Clearly different! #96 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 8 |
CD 160.7 AMERICAN, Yellowy Lime Green; A brightly colored American! #38 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 15 |
CD 160.7 AMERICAN, Apple Green; Classic American snow cone! #39 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 27 |
CD 162 B.G.M.CO., Deep Purple; A tough B.G.M. CD! #139 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 BROOKFIELD, Glowing Yellow Green; Strong embossing and a real glower! #21 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 8 |
CD 162 CALIFORNIA, Purple/Sage Two Tone; Classic piece for the California collector! #66 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 CALIFORNIA, Purply Plum; Nice rich color! #67 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 GOOD, Lilac Purple; A "GOOD" color! #140 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Peacock Blue; SMOOTH BASE! Awesome classic Hemingray color! #119 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 17 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Glowing Orange Amber; SMOOTH BASE! Another great Hemingray color! #121 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 21 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Glowing Yellow Amber; SMOOTH BASE! Less common color! #120 Price Realized: $825 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Glowing Electric Peacock Blue; Nice "hybrid" color! #123 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Lilac; Beautiful and desirable! #124 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 27 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Whiskey Honey Amber; Perfect drips! #122 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Jadey Deep Electric Blue; Clearly translucent! #126 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 (Dome) 1 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Mustardy Yellow; Try all three brands! #130 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Mustard Yellow; Try all three brands! #132 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Deep Mustardy Amber; Try all three brands! #131 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Rich Teal Blue; Look up "teal" in the dictionary and you'll see this insulator! #127 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Bright Deep Cobalt Blue; THE classic Cobalt signal! #128 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Bright Cobalt Blue w/ Milky Ribbons; Nicely defined milky ribbons all around! #125 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Deep Cobalt Blue; "Made in the U.S.A." #129 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 8 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Minty Light Green; Unusual color! #136 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Deep Olive Green; Glowing green! #135 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Deep Yellowy Forest Green; Rich color with some two tone! #134 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Deep Light 7-up Green; What color would YOU call it? #137 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Glowing 7-up Green; Another classic, standout signal color! #138 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, True Yellow; TRULY YELLOW and TRULY excellent condition! #133 Price Realized: $3,630 Bids: 47 |
CD 162 STAR, Dark Yellow Green; Very colorful! #57 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 STAR, Deep Fizzy Chartreuse; Great color and character! #58 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 14 |
CD 162.3 BROOKFIELD, Light Purple Gray Two Tone; Thick dome glass accentuates the purple! #22 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 22 |
CD 162.4 {Unembossed Canadian}, Rich Royal Purple; A beautiful deep rich color! #80 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 13 |
CD 162.7 DERF, Fizzy Deep Green Aqua; Nice and fizzy! #181 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 6 |
CD 162.7 F.F.C.C.N. de M., Tealy Green; Nice and crude! #180 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 7 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Ice Aqua; A tough color for these! #97 Price Realized: $33 Bids: 6 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Emerald Green; A stand out color; not your usual dark yellow green! #98 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
CD 164 McLAUGHLIN-20, Light Citrine; A signature McLAUGHLIN color! #68 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 18 |
CD 164 PETTICOAT, Royal Purple; Rich Deep Purple in this Deep Groove Double Petticoat style! #84 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 18 |
CD 164 STAR, Snowy Fizzy Deep Yellow Green; Awesome and sparkly! #105 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 13 |
CD 164 STAR, Snowy Fizzy Blue; Star light, star bright! #106 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 11 |
CD 178 SANTA ANA, Smoky Purple Two Tone; A smokin' spaceship! #70 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 11 |
CD 178 SANTA ANA, Deep Yellow Green; A standout color! #71 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 14 |
CD 182 DRY SPOT INSULATOR, Straw; See why Rufus says you need this CD! #12 Price Realized: $1,980 Bids: 17 |
CD 190/191 DIAMOND, Icy Gray Sage; Don't overlook this tough color! #85 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 12 |
CD 190/191 DIAMOND, Royal Purple; The classic Purple Diamond! #87 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 14 |
CD 202 LOCKE, Deep Yellowy Forest Green; Deep, desirable color! #152 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 17 |
CD 205 BROOKFIELD, Dark Olive Green; Another great Brookfield color that is increasing in popularity! #35 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 16 |
CD 206 "Castle", Light Blue; Really great condition! #108 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 13 |
CD 206 "Castle", Light Green; The toughest color for a "Castle"! #107 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 14 |
CD 211 BROOKFIELD, Deep Blue Aqua; Stop the leaks with this "no leak" insulator! #34 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 16 |
CD 214 TELEGRAFOS NACIONALES, Dark Orange Amber; Always popular! #183 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 10 |
CD 219 HEMINGRAY-660 / LOWEX, Off Clear w/ Treated Top; Tough Hemingray variant! #171 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 8 |
CD 221 HEMINGRAY-680 / LOWEX, Icy Green w/ Treated Top; Tough Hemingray variant! #170 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 17 |
CD 242 HEMINGRAY-66, Hemingray Blue; Good for at least 66 hundred volts! #169 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 12 |
CD 252 KNOWLES // NO.2 CABLE, Deep Yellow Green w/ Amber Swirled Ears; A cable in a standout color! #157 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 254 HEMINGRAY // No 3 CABLE, Aqua; Bubbles and swirls in the ears! #158 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 5 |
CD 254 HEMINGRAY // No 3 CABLE, Aqua; Nice thick dome glass! #159 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 6 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Electric Blue w/ Milk & Snowflakes; Outstanding condition! (condition update) #172 Price Realized: $4,180 Bids: 13 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Electric Blue w/ Light Milk; Glowing ears! #173 Price Realized: $1,375 Bids: 9 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY // No 60, Swirly Emerald Green; Awesome amber swirls! #174 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 11 |
CD 259 CABLE, Deep Emerald Green; MINT! #164 Price Realized: $880 Bids: 25 |
CD 260 CALIFORNIA, Aqua; The less common "pinch groove" variant! #69 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 13 |
CD 260 STAR, Yellowy Green w/ Amber Swirled Ears; A classic helmet with character! #60 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 13 |
CD 260 STAR, Bright Green; Strong embossing and a big "star"! #61 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 263 COLUMBIA, Green Aqua w/ Amber Swirling; Nice contrasting swirls! #153 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 19 |
CD 263 COLUMBIA, Amber-Swirled Deep Yellow Green; Almost solid green! #154 Price Realized: $1,265 Bids: 15 |
CD 263 HEMINGRAY // COLUMBIA, Rich Blue Aqua; Great condition, perfect drips! #156 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 13 |
CD 263 PATENTED JUNE 17 1890, Bright "Electric" Blue; Electrifying! #155 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 16 |
CD 267 No 4 CABLE, Bright Blue; Classic Boston trolley insulator! #162 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 9 |
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M., Deep Emerald Green; Awesome thick green glass! #160 Price Realized: $660 Bids: 17 |
CD 269 JUMBO (Base) OAKMAN, Glowing Light Blue; A brillant color! #161 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 8 |
CD 269 JUMBO, Tealy Dark Aqua; "BROOKFIELD" blotted out! #163 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 10 |
CD 288 {Unembossed}, Aqua; "Mershon" style! #168 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 8 |
CD 292 PATENTED JUNE 17 1890, Deep Yellowy Emerald Green ; A deep and colorful power piece! #166 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 12 |
CD 301 {Unembossed}, Blue/Green Two Tone; Tough CD! #167 Price Realized: $484 Bids: 15 |
CD 304.5 WC-10B JT {Russia}, Light Olivey Green; From Russia with love! #190 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 3 |
CD 304/310 HEMINGRAY, Blue Aqua; The "Coolie Hat"! #176 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 14 |
CD 317 CHAMBERS, "Simply Green"; A nice rich green! #177 Price Realized: $1,045 Bids: 11 |
CD 317 CHAMBERS, Bright Lime Green; A popular color! #178 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 6 |
CD 380 E.S.A. 212 {Spain}, Aqua; Smaller than a Hemingray-42! #187 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 13 |
CD 412 FIDENZA 6102 {Italy}, Light Limey Green; Tall and tough! #188 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 6 |
CD 522 FIDENZA 6118 {Italy}, Icy Lilac Purple; Nice clear glass! #186 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 10 |
CD 529.5 MIVA // T8 {Italy}, Deep Forest Green; Thick and heavy! #184 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 569.2 HEMAH TC-III {Russia}, Bright Cobalt Blue; Just beautiful! #185 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 9 |
CD 658 ISOREX // 282 {France}, Dark Olivey Green; BOO! #192 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 12 |
CD 677.7 FIDENZA // No 286 {Italy}, Deep Teal Green; An unusual shape! #193 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
RICHARD GINORI {Italy}, White Porcelain; The porcelain counterpart! #194 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 7 |
CD 701.6 "Confederate Egg", Green Blackglass; The classic "Egg"! #197 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 10 |
CD 721 "Baby Wade", Light Aqua; Tough old CD! #199 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 6 |
CD 742 M.T.CO., Light Blue Aqua; Old Montreal Telegraph! #196 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 12 |
CD 742.3 M.T.CO., Milky Tealy Aqua; Check out the nail in the skirt too! #104 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 9 |
U-395 "Mickey Mouse", Chocolate Caramel Cream; Not just for dessert anymore! #175 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 15 |
Brooks' Patent Ramshorn, (Glass insert) Light Aqua; David Brooks' signature design! #200 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 9 |
Lefferts Hook, Blue; Get hooked! #198 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 15 |
“Dog Bone” Radio Strain, Off Clear; Tough to find! #201 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 9 |
“Diamond” Radio Strain, Off Clear; It sparkles! #202 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 5 |
Radio Strain {Unembossed}, Dark Green Blackglass; A tough one! #203 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 6 |
Radio Strain {Unembossed}, White Opalescent Milkglass; Fire in the holes! #204 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 9 |
San Francisco Trolley Wooden Insulator {Round dome variant}, Striated Brown; Nice wavy grain! #206 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 17 |
San Francisco Trolley Wooden Insulator {Saddle top variant}, Tan; A great piece of San Francisco history! #205 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 12 |
"Stanbury" pattern Hemingray Oil Lamp, Golden Amber; Light up your Hemingray collection! #210 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 8 |
Bunnell Telegraph Sounder; Imagine the messages this unit clicked out! #208 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 7 |
Bunnell Telegraph Sounder & Key, ; “The prettiest and most perfect set”! #207 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 9 |
Commemorative {Portugal}, Cream Porcelain; Have lunch with the "Old Guard"! #195 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 9 |
H & H Commemorative, Inky Cobalt Blue w/ Green & White Slag Glass ; Swirls, swirls, swirls! #209 Price Realized: $319 Bids: 11 |
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