CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., Deep Emerald Olive Green; "A" mold, killer dark green! #1 Price Realized: $6,600 Bids: 12 |
CD 138.2 LAWRENCE GRAY, Blue Gray; Base-embossed, great piece of New England glass, only THREE known! #2 Price Realized: $2,860 Bids: 25 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, True Yellow; Outstanding condition and a standout piece! #131 Price Realized: $2,970 Bids: 18 |
CD 141.7 TWIGGS, Crystal Clear; Unique shape that commands strong visual presence! #6 Price Realized: $2,530 Bids: 22 |
CD 736.7 {Unembossed}, Dark Emerald Green; "Jumbo Pilgrim Hat", largest threadless known! #5 Price Realized: $2,970 Bids: 8 |
Brookfield "Salesman's Sample" {CD 145 style}, Light Aqua; Exceptionally small, exceptionally rare, only THREE known! #11 Price Realized: $2,970 Bids: 29 |
CD 162.4 1678, Deep Yellow Olive Green; Coveted and rare! #77 Price Realized: $1,375 Bids: 13 |
CD 102 style VTS INDUSTRIAL CO., Bright Glowing Peacock Blue; Stunning and less common than its dark ruby red counterpart! #221 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 15 |
CD 740 FOSTER BROTHERS, **UPDATE** Olive Blackglass filled with Seed Bubbles; So crude and so unique! #3 Price Realized: $2,255 Bids: 30 |
CD 191 {Unembossed Denver}, Purple; Tough "Denver" piece, much under-appreciated! #7 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 10 |
CD 22.5 {Unembossed}, Deep Glowing 7-up Green; A cute and colorful battery rest! #145 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 11 |
CD 100.5 PYREX, Clear; A popular "near miniature" insulator! #146 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
CD 101 BROOKFIELD, Milky Aqua; Bubbles and snow, full of character! #102 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 15 |
CD 102 "Bar Bar", Midnight Blue w/ Amber Highlights; A much sought after color! #16 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 11 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Deep Rich Blue; A unique color, much different from your midnight blues! #17 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 14 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Mustard Yellow w/ Milk Swirls; No Diamond pony collection should be without one! #15 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 17 |
CD 104 STANDARD GLASS, Light Blue; Note the base embossing! #155 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 3 |
CD 104 {Unembossed} Pennycuick, Deep Teal Aqua; Classic saw-tooth threads! #46 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 12 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY / No 9, Bubbly Hemingray Blue; Prism embossing! #103 Price Realized: $39 Bids: 3 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY / No 9, Green; A very desirable color! #14 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 11 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY / No 9, Ice Aqua; Early prism-embossed style! #12 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 7 |
CD 110 BROOKFIELD, Aqua; Brookfield called it the "Pony Pattern"! #88 Price Realized: $484 Bids: 8 |
CD 110.5 NATIONAL INSULATOR CO. , Light Aqua; A classic New England corkscrew! #87 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 9 |
CD 112.4 HEMINGRAY, Light Powder Blue; Perhaps the first "HEMINGRAY" embossed insulator! #13 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 5 |
CD 121 AM. TEL. & TEL. CO., Aqua; Sharp drip points, made by Hemingray! #18 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 18 |
CD 121 AM. TEL. & TEL. CO., Extra Bubbly Aqua; Produced by Hemingray! #104 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 6 |
CD 121 AM. TEL. & TEL. CO., Green w/ Amber Swirling; Neat pollywog in the rear! #98 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 8 |
CD 121 BROOKFIELD, Deep Olive/Orange Amber; Striking and truly amber! #24 Price Realized: $1,485 Bids: 28 |
CD 121 C. & P. TEL. CO., Bright Yellow Green; The color makes this insulator pop! #20 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 15 |
CD 121 C. & P. TEL. CO., Rich Yellowy Green; Tough in any color! #19 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 13 |
CD 121 CANADA, Rich Dark Purple; Always a popular color! #26 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 12 |
CD 121 DIAMOND, Peach; Tougher than it looks! #25 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 20 |
CD 121 R. GOOD JR., Purple; A "Good" "Denver" color! #21 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 8 |
CD 121 W.F.G. CO., Cornflower Blue/Purple; Crude and colorful! #22 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 121 W.G.M. CO., Deep Yellowy Straw; Oval base! #23 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
CD 121.4 A.U., Light Blue Aqua w/ Huge Bubbles; Double bubble trouble! #94 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 12 |
CD 122 McLAUGHLIN // NO 16, "Light Citrine"; Colorful McLaughlin toll! #66 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 6 |
CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., Deep Apple Green; "G" mold, rich and attractive! #62 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 5 |
CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., "Dusty" Sage Green; "B" mold, scarce and unique! #61 Price Realized: Not sold |
CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., Aqua; "B" mold, start your EC&M collection with this! #63 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 13 |
CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., Aurora Blue; "H" mold, the crooked dome adds character! #65 Price Realized: $1,375 Bids: 4 |
CD 123 E.C.& M. CO., Bright Light Blue; "A" mold, a new find, read how it traveled west to east! #64 Price Realized: $1,540 Bids: 20 |
CD 124 HEMINGRAY / No 4, Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; Great condition and perfect drips! #99 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 7 |
CD 124 HEMINGRAY / No 4, Aqua w/ Heavy Amber Swirls; Fantastic loops of amber! #100 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 9 |
CD 124 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Ice Green; A cross-over piece! #81 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 10 |
CD 124.3 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Green; Crude, classic early Hemingray! #82 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 11 |
CD 126 W. BROOKFIELD, Bright Glowing Apple Green; Nice early "Western Union" style insulator! #34 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 9 |
CD 126.3 W. BROOKFIELD, Yellowy Lime Green; The short-lived "American Union" style! #35 Price Realized: $319 Bids: 15 |
CD 126.4 W.E. MFG. CO., Apple Green w/ Milk Swirls; Globs and strands of milk! #91 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 6 |
CD 128.4 HEMINGRAY, Yellow Tint; Your classic "Big Mouth"! #85 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 9 |
CD 131.4 L.G.T. & CO., Rich Light Aqua; Early threaded telegraph style! #157 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 11 |
CD 131.4 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Sage Green; A very early Hemingray! #83 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 5 |
CD 132 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Blue Spruce Sage; An unusual and odd color! #79 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 8 |
CD 132 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Bright Lime Green; Well-formed with fizzy bubbles! #80 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 12 |
CD 133 B.G.M. CO., Light Pinkish Purple; Clean and shiny! #149 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
CD 133 CITY FIRE ALARM, Light Blue Aqua; A Fall River "Special"! #39 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 10 |
CD 133 W. BROOKFIELD, Glowing Yellow Green; The skinny little guy! #27 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 9 |
CD 133 W. BROOKFIELD, Purple; A rare color, with strong saturation! #29 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 13 |
CD 133 W. BROOKFIELD, Yellowy Green; The chubby bigger guy! #28 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 12 |
CD 133.2 P & W, Deep Rich Turquoise Blue; Do you know what "P & W" stands for? #156 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 14 |
CD 133.2 {Unembossed Canadian}, Turquoise Blue w/ Milk Waterfall; A swirly, milky band! #152 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 133.4 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Green; Crude and fantastic condition! #78 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
CD 133.4 {Unembossed} {MLOD}, Glowing Deep Apple Green; Excellent condition and great dome glass! #159 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 20 |
CD 133.4 {Unembossed}, Deep Purple; "Wormser bullet"! #160 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 14 |
CD 133.5 TEL. FED. MEX., Deep Teal Green; An eye-catching color! #153 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 12 |
CD 134 BROOKFIELD, Green/Amber Mix; A piece of art! #37 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 12 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Bright Glowing Apple Green; A stunning color! #47 Price Realized: $633 Bids: 14 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Fizzy, Milky, Snowy Aqua; All the gunk you'd ever want! #44 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 15 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Translucent Limey Green w/ Large Bubble; Did we mention the BIG bubble? #48 Price Realized: $660 Bids: 13 |
CD 134 DIAMOND P, Translucent Limey Green; James Pennycuick would be proud to own it! #45 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 18 |
CD 134 FALL RIVER POLICE SIGNAL, Light Aqua; A Fall River "Special"! #40 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 14 |
CD 134 HEMINGRAY // No 18, Aqua/Green Two Tone; Fantastic color separation! #96 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 4 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Rich Apple Green; Goes well with lime green! #53 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 5 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Bright Lime Green; Goes well with apple green! #52 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 6 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Rich "Hemingray Blue"; Great companion for the one with the smooth base! #54 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 5 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Clear; Uncommon color for older glass! #49 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 5 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Lemon w/ Milky Worms; Snag it with your fish hook! #50 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Rich Deep "Hemingray Blue"; Contrasts well with the lighter shades! #51 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 4 |
CD 134 W. BROOKFIELD, Bright Glowing Chartreuse; Get your sunglasses! #31 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 W. BROOKFIELD, Green Aqua w/ Milk & Amber Swirls; Double the character! #30 Price Realized: $17 Bids: 4 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Deep Dark Green; Rich color with great saturation! #43 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Fizzy Light Aqua; Classic early Pennycuick! #41 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 6 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Rich, Deep Green; Crude and colorful! #42 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 6 |
CD 137.5 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Clear; An experimental piece from the Hemingray dump! #84 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 7 |
CD 138 BROOKFIELD / POSTAL, Green-Tinted Gray; Much tougher in lighter shades like this! #33 Price Realized: $825 Bids: 6 |
CD 142 HEMINGRAY {w/ copper liner}, Carnival; A specialty insulator developed for Western Union Telegraph! #86 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 7 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC, Purple; Own a piece of railroad history! #56 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 5 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC, Royal Purple; Very popular with collectors! #57 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 12 |
CD 143 DWIGHT PATTERN, Deep Light Purple; A rare and desirable color! #55 Price Realized: $1,760 Bids: 30 |
CD 143 {Unembossed Canadian} {Whittle mold}, Sage Gray; Strong and unusual "whittle" pattern! #58 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 7 |
CD 143 {Unembossed Withycombe}, Light Green; Ridges spiral to the left! #59 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 6 |
CD 143 {Unembossed Withycombe}, Light Purple; Ridges spiral to the right! #60 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 12 |
CD 143.5 T-H.E. CO., Bright Blue; The large dome intensifies the color! #162 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 12 |
CD 143.5 T-H.E. CO., Light Aqua; Great condition! #161 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
CD 145 AMERICAN, Apple Green w/ Two Great Bubbles; Great color with character! #95 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 AMERICAN, Fizzy Light Aqua; Part of a nifty trio! #105 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 6 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Fizzy Light Blue Aqua; Part of a nifty trio! #107 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 H.G. CO., Fizzy Snowy Blue Aqua; Part of a nifty trio! #106 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 G.N.W.TEL. CO., Deep Purple; An always popular color! #151 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 5 |
CD 145 W.G.M. CO., Purple; A nice complement to your W.G.M. tolls! #150 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 5 |
CD 145 {Unembossed Canadian}, Light Limey Green w/ Milk Waterfall; Wide band of milk drapes down! #92 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 8 |
CD 150 BROOKFIELD, Aqua; Brookfield called it the "Deep-Groove, Double Petticoat Pattern"! #89 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 10 |
CD 151 H.G. CO. / N.A.T. CO., Glowing Peacock Blue w/ Milk Wisps; Stunning! #110 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 24 |
CD 151 H.G. CO. / N.A.T. CO., Glowing Peacock Blue; A classic Hemingray color! #109 Price Realized: $1,100 Bids: 13 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Light Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; Check out the worm! #114 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 11 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Translucent Milky Aqua; Nice overall swirling! #115 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 11 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Deep Green w/ Amber Blending; Contrasting and eye-catching! #113 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 16 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Aqua/Green w/ Amber Blending; Great color variation! #112 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 9 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Deep Glowing Cornflower Blue; Fantastic condition and color! #108 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 14 |
CD 151 H.G. CO., Light Limey Green; A nice pastel shade! #111 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 11 |
CD 152 BROOKFIELD, Dark Olive Green w/ Olive Amber Highlights; A colorful "Hoop Skirt"! #38 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 6 |
CD 154 McLAUGHLIN // No 42, Bright Apple Green; Glowing! #67 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 14 |
CD 156.1 PATENT SEP 13 1881, Light Blue Aqua; Also squiggles and bubbles! #90 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 10 |
CD 160.6 AM. TEL. & TEL. CO., Light Aqua; The threaded "Pilgrim Hat"! #158 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 9 |
CD 161 CALIFORNIA, Purple/Green Two Tone; Fantastic color separation! #69 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 1678, Light Lavender/Light Purple Two Tone; A real two tone beauty! #72 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 8 |
CD 162 1678, Rich Purple; Great looking! #73 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 6 |
CD 162 BROOKFIELD, Icy Gray Purple; Warped and dangerous! #36 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 CALIFORNIA, Purple w/ Gray Highlights; Neat purple graduations! #70 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 CALIFORNIA, Purple/Gray/Green Mixture; Good color separation, especially for a CD 162! #71 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 8 |
CD 162 HAMILTON GLASS, Light Aqua; Large bubble containing flakes of loose soot! #93 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Deep Orange Amber; A SMOOTH BASE with color! #123 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 6 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Dark Lilac; A darker, sought after variant! #140 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Glowing Rich Electric Blue; A vibrant, vivid color! #116 Price Realized: $880 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Deep Gingerale; Distinct and unusual! #122 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Deep Honey Amber; One for the bees! #127 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Glowing Red Orange Amber; A really stunning piece! #124 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Red Amber/Gingerale Two Tone; "Amberina"? #126 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 H.G. CO., Yellow Orange Amber; Nice "tweener" color! #125 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Bright Olive Green; **UPDATE** A "must have" for the signal collector! #138 Price Realized: $484 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Bright "Emerald" Green; A deep and rich color! #135 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Rich Forest Green; Fill in your green lineup! #136 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Rich Green w/ Amber Swirls; Swirls, bands and patches of amber! #134 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Sagey Light Green; A bit of a different color! #137 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Hemi Blue/Green Two Tone; Great color separation right in the front! #142 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Sapphire Cobalt Blue; Another "tweener"! #119 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Teal Blue; A deep, rich shade! #141 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Glowing Peacock Cobalt Blue; A "tweener" color! #117 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Milky Cobalt Blue; Neat translucence! #118 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Deep Rich Cobalt Blue; Always popular! #121 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Rich Cobalt Blue; Perfect drips! #120 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Orange Amber; Great condition! #128 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Bright Yellow Amber; Fill in your spectrum of colors! #132 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Honey Yellow Amber; Interesting variant with a wider ridge! #133 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Olive/Amber Two Tone; Could be called "Amber-Laced Olive"! #139 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Root Beer Orange Amber; A neat signal! #129 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 5 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Orange Amber "Blackglass"; An overlooked oddity! #130 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 McLAUGHLIN // No 19, Delft Blue; Rich and colorful! #68 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 W. BROOKFIELD, Dark Lime Green; Great color for this 162 CREB! #32 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 7 |
CD 162.4 1678, Light Aqua; Drip point variant! #75 Price Realized: $22 Bids: 3 |
CD 162.4 1678, Turquoise Blue; Striking color! #76 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 162.4 {Unembossed Canadian}, Deep Rich Purple; Beautiful! #74 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 12 |
CD 164 BROOKFIELD, Greeny Aqua w/ Amber Bands; Awesome when viewed from any angle! #97 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 13 |
CD 164 H.G. CO., Emerald Green; A stunning color! #144 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 7 |
CD 164 HEMINGRAY-20, Blue/Clear Two Tone; A nice addition to your CD 164 lineup! #143 Price Realized: $33 Bids: 4 |
CD 166 CALIFORNIA, Smokey Sage; Great underpour! #154 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 13 |
CD 185 MINE INSULATOR, Aqua; Made by Hemingray! #148 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 17 |
CD 190/191 PRISM, Blue; Nice tramp! #165 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 3 |
CD 192/193 {Unembossed}, Light Aqua; Early, uncommon tramp! #166 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 7 |
CD 196 H.G. CO. / No 51, "Hemingray Blue"; the "Perfect Transposition" #167 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 12 |
CD 200 No 2 TRANSPOSITION, Deep Green; A pleasing shape! #170 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 9 |
CD 200 STAR, Yellowy Green; Stunning color and excellent condition! #171 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 16 |
CD 202 No 14, Dark Olivey Green; A great tramp! #168 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 6 |
CD 205 BROOKFIELD, Dark Yellow Green; Great color saturation! #169 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 11 |
CD 211 BROOKFIELD, Deep Aqua; A tough CD! #178 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 214 HEMINGRAY, Bright 7-up Green; Popular with collectors! #177 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 10 |
CD 252 CABLE, Dark Olive Green w/ Amber Mix; Streaks and patches everywhere! #174 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 14 |
CD 252 KNOWLES CABLE "Prism", "Emerald Green"; A beautiful and desirable color! #175 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 5 |
CD 252 M. & E. CO., Deep Aqua; The distinctive "tall" variant! #173 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 11 |
CD 252 M. & E. CO., Green Aqua; The "short" variant! #172 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 11 |
CD 252 McLAUGHLIN-62, Glowing Emerald Green; Wonderful condition! #176 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 6 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Electric Blue w/ Milk; The ears glow on this one! #179 Price Realized: $5,500 Bids: 20 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Electric Blue w/ Milk; Classic and desirable! #180 Price Realized: $4,180 Bids: 35 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Forest Green w/ Amber Swirled Ears; Stunning and distinctive two tone! #182 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 8 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Green w/ Amber Swirls; Nice swirling in the ears! #183 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 9 |
CD 259 OAKMAN // CABLE, Light Green Aqua; Base-embossed "Oakman" helmet! #181 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 9 |
CD 262 COLUMBIA, Green Aqua w/ Wire Earring; Yes, a WIRE EARRING! #185 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 10 |
CD 263 COLUMBIA, Green Aqua; Threaded inside the skirt! #184 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 13 |
CD 263 HEMINGRAY, Aqua; Smooth base variant! #187 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 263 HEMINGRAY, Blue Aqua; Drip point variant! #186 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 8 |
CD 267 CABLE, Dark Yellow Green; From the Boston trolley line! #189 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 15 |
CD 267 N.E.G.M. CO., Deep Green; Tough color! #188 Price Realized: $484 Bids: 15 |
CD 267 N.E.G.M. CO., Fizzy "Green"; Crude and perfect! #192 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 14 |
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M. CO., Deep Emerald Green; The thick glass enhances the stunning color! #191 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 25 |
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M. CO., Rich Blue Aqua; A pollywog and a tapeworm! #190 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 12 |
CD 269 JUMBO, Deep Blue Aqua; Classic "Eared Jumbo"! #193 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 18 |
CD 269 OAKMAN "Jumbo", Light Blue Aqua; Less common base-embossed "Jumbo"! #194 Price Realized: $715 Bids: 12 |
CD 281 HEMINGRAY, Amber Swirled Green; A great colored power piece! #101 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 3 |
CD 285 "Edison", Bright Blue; A "bright idea" to add this to your collection! #163 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 14 |
CD 285 "Edison", Green Aqua; Amber blending in the dome! #164 Price Realized: $308 Bids: 20 |
CD 317 CHAMBERS, Fizzy Lime Green; Outstanding color and condition! #196 Price Realized: $1,815 Bids: 13 |
CD 402 PYREX // MIVA ACQUI {Italy}, Straw; Unusual, designed with an off-centered pinhole! #207 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 29 |
CD 503 SAFNV 21 {Uruguay}, Glowing 7-up Green; Outstanding condition! #206 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 9 |
CD 516.1 {Unembossed} {Russia}, Deep Bubbly, Fizzy, Tealy Aqua; Looks like a Pennycuick but from Russia! #209 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 13 |
CD 565.1 "Bar Bar" {Russia}, Glowing Dark Cobalt; A stunning color! #202 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 10 |
CD 569.2 HEMAH TC-III {Russia}, Deep Cobalt Blue; Russia's answer to Hemingray's classic! #201 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 9 |
CD 569.2 HEMAH TC-III {Russia}, Violet Purple Blackglass; A unique color, contrasting well with cobalt blue! #204 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 8 |
CD 571.8 {Unembossed} {Russia}, Glowing Light Yellow Olive Green; Clean and shiny! #205 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 12 |
CD 578.7 HEMAH C 3 {Russia}, Rich, Deep Cobalt; Popular with collectors! #203 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 8 |
CD 656 MIVA // BT1V {Italy}, Light Green Aqua; The tallest variant! #208 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
CD 677.7 MIVA // BT2M {Italy}, Icy Yellow; Another classic "T-bar"! #211 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 6 |
CD 677.7 MIVA // BT2M {Italy}, Light Blue Aqua; Classic "T-bar"! #210 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 7 |
CD 701.6 "Scrambled Eggs", Green Blackglass; A 15 pound montage of insulators! #197 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 25 |
CD 729 {Unembossed}, Light Aqua; "Plain old aqua" commands a premium! #199 Price Realized: $550 Bids: 21 |
CD 732 {Unembossed}, Translucent Green Aqua w/ Milky Veils; Milky, fizzy, jadey! #200 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 22 |
CD 734 McMICKING, Light Aqua; A popular and affordable threadless! #198 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 6 |
CD 738 {Unembossed}, Deep Milky Tealy Green; Great "Pilgrim Hat" from Richmond, VA! #4 Price Realized: $1,155 Bids: 12 |
U-184 "Harloe", White Porcelain; Great companion for its glass cousin, CD 206.5"! #214 Price Realized: $528 Bids: 10 |
U-407 LOCKE "Jumbo", Red Brown Porcelain; A mate for your glass "Jumbo"! #195 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 17 |
U-980 "Horned Elliott", White Porcelain; Desirable and mint! #212 Price Realized: $1,018 Bids: 17 |
U-981 "Elliott Pilgrim Hat", Light Cream Porcelain; Mint and desirable! #213 Price Realized: $633 Bids: 7 |
U-1941 GPO // 16A, Ivory Porcelain; Unusual threaded cap! #215 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 7 |
Brookfield "Salesman's Sample" {CD 162 style}, Light Green Aqua; A great go-with! #10 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 15 |
Whitall Tatum "Salesman's Sample" {CD 154 style}, Clear; A trade show giveaway? #9 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 10 |
PAT. NOV. 1870 {CD 154 style}, Clear; Learn about the mysterious "Patent date"! #8 Price Realized: $17 Bids: 2 |
McLAUGHLIN Commemorative, White Milk w/ Red, Yellow & Orange Swirls; Help celebrate 75 years of production! #216 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 15 |
Second National Meet Commemorative, Olive Amber Blackglass; Early pre-National Insulator Association (NIA)! #219 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 7 |
1984 NIA Commemorative, Red Dome w/ White Base; Unique "red dome" variant! #217 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 5 |
"H & H ELECTRIC CO" Commemorative, Ruby Red w/ Colored Swirls; A desirable red with swirls, swirls, swirls! #220 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 10 |
"H & H ELECTRIC CO" Commemorative, White Milk w/ Colored Swirls; Swirls, swirls, swirls! #218 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 4 |
San Francisco Trolley Insulator, Mottled Brown Finish; Lightly finished but still crude! #225 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 3 |
San Francisco Trolley Insulator, Original Finish; Crude and natural! #226 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 5 |
NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. Bell, Oak; Stamped with "NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH" #224 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 9 |
VICTOR BELL, Mahogany and Walnut; A great "two tone"! #223 Price Realized: $33 Bids: 3 |
Bushing, Cornflower Cobalt Blue; COBALT BLUE! #147 Price Realized: $1,100 Bids: 20 |
LOCKE Ashtray, Cobalt Blue Porcelain; A great go-with for the porcelain collector! #222 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 12 |
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