CD 130.2 SEILERS, Aqua w/ Milk and Gunk; Rare & Gunky! An item for everyone: Western glass collectors, "1871" collectors and CD collectors! #1 Price Realized: $11,825 Bids: 19 |
CD 136.4 {No embossing}, Olive Green; Awesome color! A picture is worth a thousand words so take a look! #4 Price Realized: $4,840 Bids: 28 |
CD 124.1 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Icy Green; Don't be fooled by the diminutive size. This is one RARE insulator! #5 Price Realized: $4,400 Bids: 33 |
CD 123 E.C.& M.CO., Rich Cobalt Blue; Great color! One of the most desirable insulators in the hobby. #2 Price Realized: $3,410 Bids: 28 |
CD 124.5 CHAMBERS, Light Green; Need a "companion" to complete a Chambers set? Maybe this is what you need! #6 Price Realized: $4,070 Bids: 27 |
CD 316 BROOKFIELD, Deep Aqua; Rare CD, a sleeper! #207 Price Realized: $1,485 Bids: 28 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Purple; When have you seen a PURPLE one for sale? #168 Price Realized: $2,255 Bids: 15 |
CD 729.4 {No embossing}, Green; A new find: no embossing and three-piece mold! (update) #215 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 26 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Deep, Rich Peacock Blue; SMOOTH BASE! Stunning color! #133 Price Realized: $2,310 Bids: 38 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Yellow Amber; SMOOTH BASE! One of the tougher colors for these! #135 Price Realized: $908 Bids: 12 |
CD 268.5 STANDARD GLASS INSULATOR CO., Bright Blue; Tough CD! #206 Price Realized: $2,475 Bids: 49 |
CD 162.4 1678, Deep Yellow Olive Green; Great condition, rare color! You have to see it! #162 Price Realized: $2,090 Bids: 17 |
CD 221 WHITALL TATUM CO., Dark Red Amber; Super rare! Have you seen one? #3 Price Realized: $1,595 Bids: 19 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Deep Electric Blue w/ Milk and Amber Swirling; Have you ever seen one with AMBER STREAKS? #7 Price Realized: $2,695 Bids: 29 |
CD 100.5 PYREX, Clear; Born to be tiny! #32 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 6 |
CD 102 BROOKFIELD, Green w/ Amber Swirls; Nice pony! #10 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 11 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, "Cornflower" Blue; Great condition! #13 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 10 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Light Mustard Yellow w/ Milky Swirls; Neat dome! #11 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 19 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Midnight Blue; Deep rich color! Always popular with Diamond collectors! #14 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 50 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Olivey Mustard Yellow; Diamond jewel! #12 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 19 |
CD 102 DIAMOND, Teal Green w/ Amber Blending; Neat amber swirling! #15 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 15 |
CD 102 N.W.& B.I.T.CO., Purple/Light Purple Two Tone; A tough embossing with great dome glass! #78 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 8 |
CD 103 GAYNER, Aqua; Tough CD! #33 Price Realized: $264 Bids: 13 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY No 9, Bright Apple Green; Prism embossed! Another attractive colored CD 106! #18 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 13 |
CD 106 HEMINGRAY No 9, Light Purple/Gray Two Tone; Swirly dome! These colored CD 106's are getting very collectable! #16 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 12 |
CD 110.5 NEW ENG.TEL.& TEL.CO., Light Aqua; The less common straight line embossing! #71 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 11 |
CD 113 "Braille", Rich, Deep Purple; Great color! Purple is always popular! #34 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 13 |
CD 113 HEMINGRAY No 12, Bubbly Blue; Another early prism embossing! These are becoming quite collectable! #19 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 6 |
CD 113 HEMINGRAY No 12, Strong Lavender; Nice color! One of your auctioneers' favorites! #20 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 10 |
CD 114 HEMINGRAY No 11, Aqua w/ Amber Swirls; Mega amber! Every amber swirled piece is unique and this one is great! #17 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 32 |
CD 121 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Deep Purple; Bubbly dome glass! #35 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 5 |
CD 121 C.D.& P.TEL.CO., Deep Lime Green; Crude with character! #36 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 7 |
CD 121 R. GOOD, Rich Purple; Nice and bold! #39 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 9 |
CD 121 R. GOOD, Yellowy Green Two Tone; GOOD color! #44 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 13 |
CD 121 U.S.TEL.CO., Olive Green; Beautiful color! #37 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 8 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., "Popsicle Purple" w/ Swirly Bubbles; Bubbles make it sparkle! #40 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 15 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Arizona Turquoise Blue; Unusual color! #43 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 12 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Deep Cornflower Blue; Rich shade of blue! #38 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 17 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Lavenflower; The real deal! #41 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 15 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Light Blue Gray w/ Milk Swirls; Lots of character! #42 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 11 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Light Green w/ Amber Blending; A unique shade! #47 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 10 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Pine Tree Green; Smell the pine! One of the best Denvers! #45 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 15 |
CD 121 W.F.G.CO., Yellowy Green; Hard to find color! Another one of the best Denvers! #46 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 121 W.G.M.CO., Deep Peachy Straw w/ Purple Wisps; Extra character! #48 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 6 |
CD 123 E.C.& M.CO., Deep Aqua; Great condition! A old western classic! #90 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 15 |
CD 124.2 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Aqua w/ Milk Swirls; Hard to find, and milk too! #21 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 12 |
CD 125 HEMINGRAY W.U. No 5, Deep, Rich, Blotchy Purple; Distinct color splotching! Very unique! #50 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 15 |
CD 125 HEMINGRAY W.U. No 5, Limey Apple Green; Kind of a different color! #51 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
CD 125 HEMINGRAY W.U. No 5, Purple/Sage Two Tone; A unique blend! #52 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 14 |
CD 125 W.U. 5 // PATENT 1871, Glowing Yellowy Green; Terrific color! #24 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 17 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Dark Tealy Aqua; Holey Moley! Check out the HOLE in this piece! #54 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 13 |
CD 126 BROOKFIELD, Green; Nice CREB! #55 Price Realized: $39 Bids: 7 |
CD 126 W. BROOFIELD, Bright Yellow Green w/ Amber Swirls; Great color! #53 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 13 |
CD 126.3 {No name}, Light Yellow Olive Green; Fantastic & rare color! #68 Price Realized: $484 Bids: 10 |
CD 127 BROOKFIELD, Lime Green w/ Snot; Early Brookfield in a great color! #69 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 27 |
CD 127.4 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Dark Aqua; Tough old bird! #8 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 13 |
CD 130 CAL.ELEC.WORKS, Blue; Classic Cal Electric! #91 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 17 |
CD 131.4 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Light Green; Nice milky band! #22 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 8 |
CD 131.4 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Sagey Light Green; Early Hemingray! #9 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 12 |
CD 132 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Sagey Green; A classic bullet! #23 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 7 |
CD 133 CALIFORNIA, Deep Burgundy; Great condition! #84 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 18 |
CD 133 H.G.CO. // STANDARD, Brilliant, Glowing Lime Green; Nice clear glass! #26 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 11 |
CD 133.1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO., Yellow Green; A great example! #56 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 12 |
CD 133.1 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Snowy Light Green; A real snow globe! #25 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 8 |
CD 133.2 {Unembossed Canadian}, Milky Blue; A crude character! #57 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 17 |
CD 133.3 {No name}, Light Green; Squatty and odd! #58 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 16 |
CD 133.4 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Aqua w/ Milky Swirls; Crude with milk & soot! #29 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 9 |
CD 133.4 {No embossing}, Deep Purple; Rich color! #59 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 18 |
CD 133.5 TEL.FED.MEX., Dark Emerald Green w/ Milk Wisps; Eye-catching color! #224 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 15 |
CD 134 B.G.M.CO., Purple; Milky strands! #67 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 BROOKFIELD, Bright Yellowy Green; Great classic piece! #64 Price Realized: $33 Bids: 6 |
CD 134 C.E.L.CO., Fizzy Jadey Aqua; Another Pennycuick style! #66 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 134 C.E.L.CO., Fizzy Light Green; Pennycuick style! #63 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 14 |
CD 134 FALL RIVER POLICE SIGNAL, Light Blue Aqua; Call the cops! #65 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 9 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Bright Lime Green; Much less common with the double patent date. A real "glower"! #28 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 8 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Brilliant Glowing Depression Glass Green; Outstanding color! #27 Price Realized: $1,018 Bids: 14 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Fizzy Icy Purple; Nice & sparkly! #31 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 7 |
CD 134 PATENT DEC. 19, 1871, Steel Blue; DON'T BE FOOLED! This is one extremely rare color! #30 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 11 |
CD 134 W.F.G.CO., Ice Green w/ Milky Veils & Sooty Swirls; Cascading character! #49 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 7 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Jadey Fizzy Aqua; Milk & fizz! #60 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 14 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Rich Teal Blue; Another great color! #62 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 9 |
CD 134 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Rich Teal Green; Great color! #61 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 13 |
CD 135 CHICAGO INSULATING CO., Snotty Bright Blue; Nice & gunky! #76 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 15 |
CD 136.4 {No embossing}, Bright Blue; Extra dome glass makes it glow! #72 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 18 |
CD 138 BROOKFIELD, Green; Going Postal with color! #70 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 8 |
CD 140 OAKMAN MFG.CO., Light Blue Aqua w/ Milk; Yup, a milky "Jumbo"! Got milk? #74 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 15 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY.CO., Lavender w/ Purple Swirls; Great character without paying a fortune! #80 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY.CO., Light Blue Aqua; A unique Withycombe! #81 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 14 |
CD 143 CANADIAN PACIFIC RY.CO., Light Gray w/ Milky Wisps; Milky & bubbly! #79 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 9 |
CD 143 MONTREAL TELEGRAPH, Rich, True Sapphire Blue; Simply stunning…a beautiful color! #82 Price Realized: $2,420 Bids: 26 |
CD 144 "Foree Bain", Blue Aqua; Nice clean ridges! #77 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 "Grand Canyon", Lavender; Nice color! #102 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 33 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Apple Green; Nice and bright! #99 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Bright Blue; Bright and glowing! #101 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 10 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Fizzy Dark Apple Green w/ a few Milk Wisps; Milky & fizzy! #98 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 10 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Light Blue w/ Milky Swirls; A milky classic! #100 Price Realized: $105 Bids: 11 |
CD 145 AM.INSULATOR CO., Yellow Olive Green; These come in many colors and this is one of the best! #97 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 26 |
CD 145 B, Swirly Olive Amber w/ Giant Bubble; Great character! #110 Price Realized: $578 Bids: 16 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Chartreusey Green; Nice amber highlights! #95 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 8 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Dark Olive Green; Fantastic condition! #96 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 10 |
CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Yellowy Green; Nice "tweener" color! #94 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 11 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. / I // PETTICOAT, Fizzy Honey Amber; Pass the honey! #103 Price Realized: $1,100 Bids: 25 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. / I // PETTICOAT, Fizzy Honey Orange Amber; Honey of a color! #106 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. // PETTICOAT, Clear; "Clear"-ly old! #107 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 9 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. // PETTICOAT / E, Ice Gray/Lavender Two Tone; Great color separation! #105 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 H.G.CO. // PETTICOAT / H, Deep Sapphire Blue; Hard to find! #104 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 14 |
CD 145 HAWLEY, Green w/ Giant Snowflake; Not your typical "snow"! #111 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 11 |
CD 145 N.E.G.M.CO., "Reference" Sapphire Blue; A benchmark color! #108 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 12 |
CD 145 N.E.G.M.CO., Deep Olive Green; An awesome color! #109 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 16 |
CD 145 STAR {Pointy dome}, Deep Yellow Green; Great condition! #113 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 9 |
CD 145 W.G.M.CO., Purple; Great color! #112 Price Realized: $55 Bids: 10 |
CD 147 PAT APP FOR {Brookfield product}, Aqua; Tough embossing! #115 Price Realized: $1,018 Bids: 20 |
CD 147 {Unembossed Hemingray}, Aqua; Tough (lack of) embossing! #114 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 17 |
CD 150 BROOKFIELD, Aqua; The "other" Barclay! #116 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 26 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Amber Swirled Aqua; A real keeper! #120 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 20 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Aqua w/ Milky & Amber Wisps; Milk & amber! #121 Price Realized: $61 Bids: 8 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Dark Electric Blue; Not your typical "Peacock" for sure! #119 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 7 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Jadey Green; Odd color with nice translucence! #122 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 13 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Jadey Peacock Blue; A rare piece with lots of milk! #117 Price Realized: $853 Bids: 14 |
CD 151 H.G.CO., Peacock Blue; A "high-roller" chair-leg! #118 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 17 |
CD 152 CALIFORNIA, Smoky Yellow; Name that color! #88 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 10 |
CD 154 C.N.R., Peach; Don’t be fooled, this is a real tough embossing to find! #83 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 16 |
CD 154 DOMINION-42, Dark Red Amber; Rich, contrasting color! #125 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 16 |
CD 154 DOMINION-42, Orange Amber; Mint "middle of the road" amber! #124 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 11 |
CD 154 DOMINION-42, Yellow/Amber Two Tone; Fantastic condition! #123 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 25 |
CD 154 DOMINION-42, Delft Blue; What a great color! #126 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 14 |
CD 154 HEMINGRAY-42, Blue/Green Two Tone; Great color separation! #127 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 23 |
CD 154 HEMINGRAY-42, Light Carnival; A different kind of carnival! #174 Price Realized: $319 Bids: 56 |
CD 154 MIN COM, Glowing Depression Glass Green; A real "glower"! #223 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 24 |
CD 155 KERR {Flat top}, Clear; Mint! #128 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 13 |
CD 158 PATENT OCT. 12, 1872, Blue; Segmented threads! An old piece in a great color! #73 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 22 |
CD 160 H.G.CO. No 40, Light Green Aqua; "S.S.& CO." blot out! #129 Price Realized: $798 Bids: 18 |
CD 160 O.V.G.CO., Bright Light Blue Aqua; Rare baby signal! #130 Price Realized: $605 Bids: 17 |
CD 160.6 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Light Aqua; Tough CD! #131 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 17 |
CD 160.7 AM.INSULATOR CO., Bright Lime Green; Classic American snow cone! #132 Price Realized: $240 Bids: 14 |
CD 161 CALIFORNIA, Burgundy/Sage Two Tone; Lots of character and always a popular CAL! #86 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 8 |
CD 161 CALIFORNIA, Sagey Aqua w/ Purple Wisps; Nice wispy dome! #85 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 6 |
CD 162 (1) HEMINGRAY // No 19, Bright Cobalt Blue; Outstanding color! #151 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 (1) HEMINGRAY // No 19, Cobalt Blue; On the inky side! #150 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 11 |
CD 162 (1) HEMINGRAY // No 19, Mustardy Yellow; A "tweener" amber! #155 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 21 |
CD 162 CALIFORNIA, Purple/Sage Two Tone; Arcs of purple! #87 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Dark Orange Amber; SMOOTH BASE! #134 Price Realized: $688 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Bright Orange Amber; Signature color! #142 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Dark Red Amber; Near-Oxblood? #141 Price Realized: $660 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Glowing, Deep Electric Blue w/ Milk; Got milk! #140 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 7 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Jadey Peacock Blue; Awesome color! #143 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Limey Ice Green; Transition embossing! #139 Price Realized: $77 Bids: 6 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Rich Lilac; Beautiful color! #136 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Deep Purple; Fantastic color! #137 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 24 |
CD 162 H.G.CO., Rich, Royal Purple; Deep & vibrant and very desireable! #138 Price Realized: $963 Bids: 21 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Deep Yellow Olive Green; Tough color! #149 Price Realized: $319 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Peacock Cobalt Blue; A "tweener" in an odd embossing! #153 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 16 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY, Yellow Olive Amber; A "fill in the hole" color! #157 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 14 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Bright Cobalt Blue; Always popular and in excellent condition! #152 Price Realized: $253 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Dark Olive Green/Aqua Two Tone; Add some pizzazz! #147 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 9 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Dark Olivey Green; Deep & rich! #148 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Dark Orange Amber; Deep & rich! #158 Price Realized: $154 Bids: 22 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Mystery Green; A "tweener" for sure! #146 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 15 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY // No 19, Teal Blue; The "Real Teal" in great shape! #156 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Bright 7-up Green; Another signature Hemi! #145 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 12 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Bright Light 7-up Green; Contrasting "near clear" areas in skirt! #144 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 10 |
CD 162 HEMINGRAY-19, Yellow Amber; Great shade of amber! #154 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 17 |
CD 162 McLAUGHLIN // No 19, Depression Glass Green; Deep & vibrant! #160 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 18 |
CD 162 PETTICOAT // PETTICOAT, Aqua; Seeing double? Rare embossing! #159 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 13 |
CD 162 STAR, Deep Hemingray Blue; Outstanding color! #161 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 16 |
CD 162.3 BROOKFIELD, Lilac Purple; Tough color! #163 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 21 |
CD 162.3 STAR, Yellow Olive Green; Another great color! #164 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 21 |
CD 162.7 F.F.C.C.N.DE M., Dark Yellow Green; Great color! #222 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 18 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Bright Lime Green; Transition embossing and great color! #169 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 9 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Dark Yellow Green; Distinctive shade of green! #172 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 16 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Green w/ Amber Blending; Neat amber highlights! #170 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 5 |
CD 164 H.G.CO., Jade Green Milk; Great condition! #171 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 16 |
CD 164 HEMINGRAY-20, Carnival; Mint! #173 Price Realized: $275 Bids: 11 |
CD 164 McLAUGHLIN-20, Citrine; Mint! Great highlights! #166 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 18 |
CD 164 PETTICOAT, Rich Purple; Tough Hemingray imposter! #165 Price Realized: $396 Bids: 13 |
CD 166.2 {Unembossed Pennycuick}, Deep Yellow Olive Green; Awesome unembossed Pennycuick! #167 Price Realized: $660 Bids: 16 |
CD 168 HEMINGRAY // D-510, White Milk; Tough piece to get in good condition! #175 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 18 |
CD 178 CALIFORNIA, Smoky Purple; Dusky Rose colored glass! #92 Price Realized: $231 Bids: 7 |
CD 178 SANTA ANA, Yellow Green; Fly this spaceship home! #93 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 11 |
CD 190/191 AM.TEL.& TEL.CO., Milky Aqua; Nice "two-piece" tramp! #177 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 8 |
CD 190/191 B, Olivey Yellow Green; A unique color for sure! #180 Price Realized: $374 Bids: 20 |
CD 190/191 DIAMOND, Royal Purple; Always in high demand! #179 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 8 |
CD 196 HEMINGRAY No 51, Blue Aqua; Excellent condition! #178 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 9 |
CD 202 LOCKE, Dark Olive Green; Unusual with amber swirls! #182 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 12 |
CD 202 No 14, Bright Tealy Emerald Green; Nice "tweener" color for a tramp! #183 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 6 |
CD 202 No 14, Dark Yellowy Green; Brilliant color! #181 Price Realized: $132 Bids: 15 |
CD 206 "Castle", Light Green; Hawaiian history! Always a popular style! #75 Price Realized: $770 Bids: 22 |
CD 208 CALIFORNIA, Smoke; Smokin' hot! #89 Price Realized: $99 Bids: 9 |
CD 214 TELEGRAFOS NACIONALES, Rich Orange Amber; Excellent condition, stunning color! #226 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 10 |
CD 251 N.E.G.M.CO., Olive Yellow Green; A different color than the "usual" and with amber swirls too! #190 Price Realized: $330 Bids: 14 |
CD 252 CABLE, Dark Olive Amber w/ Amber Swirls; Distinct swirling in skirt! #193 Price Realized: $176 Bids: 18 |
CD 252 KNOWLES, Yellow Green; Wispy amber ears! #201 Price Realized: $121 Bids: 10 |
CD 252 M.& E.CO., Deep Blue; Rich color! #188 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 9 |
CD 252 McLAUGHLIN-62, Emerald Green; An often overlooked and stunning color that's hard to find! #192 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 12 |
CD 253 KNOWLES, Green w/ Amber Blending; Neat amber swirling! #200 Price Realized: $50 Bids: 7 |
CD 254 M.& E.CO., Light Blue Aqua; Great "ear glass" with amber and bubbles! #189 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 7 |
CD 256 MANHATTAN, Yellow Green; A standout color! #191 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 15 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Deep Electric Blue w/ Milk; Milky stringers & translucence! #186 Price Realized: $2,255 Bids: 23 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Deep Electric Blue w/ Milk; Another classic! #187 Price Realized: $1,073 Bids: 18 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY, Milky Aqua; Great swirls and even less common than Electric Blue! #176 Price Realized: $418 Bids: 11 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY // No 60, Aqua w/ Amber Swirling; Complete with lead liner?! #185 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 8 |
CD 257 HEMINGRAY // No 60, Emerald Green; Stunning color w/ aqua highlights! #184 Price Realized: $286 Bids: 10 |
CD 259 PAT'D JUNE 17, 1890, Light Blue; No "OAKMAN", just dates! Tough embossing! #212 Price Realized: $72 Bids: 11 |
CD 260 STAR, Aqua w/ Snow and Bubbles; What a character! #213 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 12 |
CD 262 COLUMBIA, Rich Dark Green Aqua; Cute baby Columbia; aww! #198 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 12 |
CD 263 COLUMBIA, Dark Aqua; Wide ear variant! #197 Price Realized: $242 Bids: 18 |
CD 263 HEMINGRAY, "Hemingray Blue"; Great condition! #199 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 19 |
CD 267 N.E.G.M.CO., Deep Blue; Uncommon variant with no patent date and a short skirt! #203 Price Realized: $743 Bids: 12 |
CD 267 No 4 CABLE, Blue Aqua; Great shape, great hunk of glass! #204 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 13 |
CD 267.5 N.E.G.M.CO., Dark Emerald Green; Excellent condition and great history! #205 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 13 |
CD 280 PRISM, Deep Yellow Green; Great color, and a distinctly different shape than the Hemingray CD 280! #208 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 13 |
CD 282 KNOWLES, Fizzy "Turquoise" Blue; Sparkly & fizzy! #202 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 6 |
CD 292 PATENT JUNE 17, 1890, Dark Yellow Green; A nice power piece! #194 Price Realized: $165 Bids: 11 |
CD 293 LOCKE, Light Purple w/ Milk Wisps; A hunk of purple! #209 Price Realized: $297 Bids: 19 |
CD 294 N.E.G.M.CO., Bright Blue; Deep & rich! #196 Price Realized: $94 Bids: 6 |
CD 296.2 PRISM, Bright Yellow Green; A new CD! #195 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 10 |
CD 297 LOCKE, Emerald Green; Great color! #210 Price Realized: $44 Bids: 5 |
CD 308 No 100, Green; Nice triple petticoat! #211 Price Realized: $110 Bids: 9 |
CD 317 CHAMBERS, Glowing Lime Green; Outstanding color and condition! #214 Price Realized: $2,365 Bids: 28 |
CD 500 S.A.F.N.V., Glowing Dark 7-up Green; Cute little guy in a big green color! #225 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 10 |
CD 718 {Unembossed}, Olive Green Blackglass; Exceptional condition! #218 Price Realized: $825 Bids: 24 |
CD 718 {Unembossed , Olive Green Blackglass; Own a piece of history! #219 Price Realized: $88 Bids: 13 |
CD 728 {No embossing}, Light Aqua; Clean & shiny with a little sooty swirling! #221 Price Realized: $209 Bids: 26 |
CD 731.2 {No embossing}, Bright Light Blue; Bubbles, algae & milk, oh my! #220 Price Realized: $198 Bids: 26 |
CD 735.3 U.S.TEL.CO., Blue Aqua; Rare CD with a personal note! #216 Price Realized: $1,375 Bids: 16 |
CD 740 {No embossing}, Forest Green Blackglass; You can see the light! #217 Price Realized: $187 Bids: 21 |
CD 1038 CUTTER, Greenish Deep Aqua; Always popular, great condition, ribbed bottom! #227 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 11 |
U-395 "Mickey Mouse", Mottled Brown; A great companion for your glass Mickey! #231 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 15 |
Brooks' Patent Ramshorn, (Glass insert) Light Aqua; Excellent condition! #229 Price Realized: $143 Bids: 14 |
Mt. Washington Ramshorn, (Glass insert) Green; An old New Hampshire resident! #228 Price Realized: $83 Bids: 9 |
Second NAT'L MEET {1971} Commemorative, Straw; Limited production, highly sought after! #233 Price Realized: $506 Bids: 19 |
Capacitor Bushing, Golden Amber; A new collecting specialty! #232 Price Realized: $66 Bids: 9 |
Sixth NIA CONVENTION {1975} Commemorative, Amberina Red w/ Carnival; Rare "Joe St. Clair" dome incuse embossed in carnivalized "Red"! #235 Price Realized: $352 Bids: 12 |
H & H ELECTRIC CO Commemorative, Multi-colored Swirled Slag Glass; Fantastic blending & swirling in this limited-run color! #236 Price Realized: $220 Bids: 10 |
San Francisco Wooden Electric Trolley Insulator, 2/3 Walnut and 1/3 Blond Two Tone; Uncommon and with great color separation! #230 Price Realized: $440 Bids: 20 |
ILLINOIS ELECTRIC PORCELAIN COMPANY Bulldog Paperweight, ; Great porcelain-related Go-With! A unique item! #234 Price Realized: $462 Bids: 13 |
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