Lot 67

Price Realized:  $308
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CD 145 BROOKFIELD, Windex Blue; Bright and attractive! UPDATE:
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Lot 67: CD 145 BROOKFIELD [100]  Color: Windex Blue  Description: This attractive bright blue is called "Windex Blue" by collectors of Crown-embossed Brookfields ("CREBS") and it was formally added to the Price Guide several editions ago. There is an unusual overpour, resulting in an extended ridge around the base with the typical expected flaking. There is a shop number "1" on the rear of the crown and the consignor labeled the insulator "SN 1 g. 1". This may be a "CREB" identification number. The embossing is quite faint. There is a hard-to-see annealing fissure running along the valley between the skirts on most of the rear. A pretty color, and hopefully a shop number that fits into your "CREB" collection. [  UPDATE: View 3 shows the position of the fissure (it's longer than this, but this shows the area where it can be seen from this angle). You can see it when you look at it at the right angle under a bright light. View 4 shows where the light reflects off some of the fissure which is the white line in the photo. The fissure line does NOT go all the way through the skirt to the outside]
Estimate: $150 - $200  Open: $1
Price Realized:  $308

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