Lot 138

Price Realized:  $83
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CD 568.7 {Unembossed} {Russia}, Snowy Light Aqua; Popular style and the snow adds interest!
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Lot 138: CD 568.7 {Unembossed} {Russia}  Color: Snowy Light Aqua  Description: These unembossed Russian insulators are gaining in popularity. One can understand this, given the range of colors that are available! This example is unusual in that it is filled with lots of snow which can easily be seen when it's in your light box. 1/2" skirt flake and some other little flakes here and there on the skirt and the base. An unusual piece that will fit in well with the rest of your collection!
Estimate: $50 - $75  Open: $1
Price Realized:  $83

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