Lot 113
Price Realized: $633
Lot 113: CD 164 H.G.CO. Color: Milky Aqua Description: H.G. 164s in Jade Green can regularly be found, but here you can clearly see well-defined milk swirls! A very unusual piece! It is difficult to find a Jade example without significant drip damage, but in this case two chipped drip points and an open bubble on the inner skirt are about all to report. View 1 shows it base lit and view 2 shows it front lit. You can't go wrong! A Milky Aqua CD 164 with slightly more swirls soared to over $2,000 in one of our recent auctions. This is the perfect definition of "Milky Aqua", with heavy and well-pronounced swirls. Don't pass it by! Estimate: $800 - $1,000 Open: $10 Price Realized: $633 |
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