Lot 200

Price Realized:  $55
Brooks' Patent Ramshorn, (Glass insert) Light Aqua; David Brooks' signature design!
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Lot 200: Brooks' Patent Ramshorn  Color: (Glass insert) Light Aqua  Description: Embossed “BROOKS’ / PAT / AUG 6 / 1867”. The light aqua glass insert is chipped and loose inside. There are many marking variants of this style including no marking, incuse embossing, and four known raised markings, two of which reflect a CPRR mark. The glass sleeves are found in aqua and SCA colors. Most of these items were used on the CPRR right of way from Utah to California. Wooden crossarms were attached to poles and trees, holes were drilled into the bottom of the crossarms, and the insulators were mounted into the holes. (#0398)
Estimate: $40 - $50  Open: $1
Price Realized:  $55

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