Bill and Jill Insulators Auction 147

Auction closed on Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 10:00pm Eastern (7:00pm Pacific)

Thank you all for your participation!

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This auction features: CD 176 "Mushroom", CD 158.1 Chester, CD 317.5 Chambers, CD 182 Dry Spot, CD 133.2 B.F.G., CD 127 in Deep Emerald Green, CD 109.5 Harloe "Claw", CD 735 Mulford & Biddle in near Cobalt, CD 206 "Castles" in Light Blue and Light Green, CD 145.6 and CD 158.2 Bostons, CD 110.6 "Large corkscrew", CD 162 H.G.CO. smooth base in Peacock and Amber, colorful Americans, Diamond Ps, Hemingrays, H.G.CO.s, and more, as well as a variety of foreign pieces including several T-bars and a "Spook", two San Francisco wooden insulators, a great porcelain "Mickey" and many other pieces in all price ranges.

Bill and Jill Meier

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